Portrait Commissions


Black and White Fine Art Portrait of a young white male and older white female standing together looking at the camera- Parker J Pfister

The editorial portrait

I have a deep need to make portraits, for myself and for my clients. 

They may scream, "I am here".

They may whisper, "I was here".

An editorial portrait, in my photographic realm, is an intimate sharing of both the subject and the photographer to tell a story. 

They can include your environment or they can be close and personal. 

They can  journal a particular time in your life. 

They can reveal some of your wonder.

They can play off of your personality. 

They can unveil mystery while keeping so much more hidden away. 

This is the allure of an editorial portrait. They can be all of these things and so much more that is unknown until embarking on the journey of creating a portrait.

Let me create one for you.